Monday, February 16, 2009

How can learning how to use bubble share be helpful in evaluating others PowerPoint?

I could just go to Mrs. Hinojosa's blog and from there click on the link for the blog of the person whose PowerPoint I want to evaluate.

We won't have to crowd around one computer if multiple people want to evaluate the same PowerPoint.

With bubble share, we could each access the same person's blog on our usual computer using the method in sentence 1 instead of having to crowd around one computer to see the actual power point in a power point window.

With bubble share, we can know where to go to see the person's slide show: their blog; how do I get there: links on Mrs. Hinojosa's blog!

Without bubble share, I would have to know on what computer the power point I want to evaluate was being created, and I don't know who sits where right now.

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